SLAE32 Assignment 7 - Add-Rotate Cryptor
For the seventh assignment of the SLAE32 course we were required to create a custom cryptor and decryptor.
Online I found many examples for RC4, AES, DES and other common encryptors, so I decided to do something different.
Creating a Custom Cryptor
For my cryptor I decided to create somewhat of a Cesaer Chipher.
- The cryptor takes a key, and for every byte of the shellcode adds to it the corresponding byte of the key.
- When the key length is exceeded, the key repeats itself.
- the example key is
key = "HelloFriend"
- Instead of
‘ing I chose to use the bitwiseAND
operation- Since I have used
quite a bit in the SLAE32 course.
- Since I have used
Using the Cryptor Smartly
In the example, the strength of this cryptor is quite terrible. Although it can be used in a way that makes it good.
If the key is the same length of the shellcode, then this works as a One-Time Pad (OTP).
- The key or “pad” should not be words, or even letters, of the english language.
- Each byte of the key should be a randomly generated hex value, ranging from
This encryption method is not typically seen in production because the key lengths are huge, non-memerable strings, and the key is needed both at the cryptor and decryptor sides.
Obviously adding a byte from the shellcode and the key together is likely to exceed the maximum value of the result space.
- If this happens, the cryptor will subtract
(1 byte
) from the result, and store the remainder in the encrypted byte.Example Overflow while Encrypting
if decrypted_byte + key_byte > 255 encrypted_byte = decrypted_byte + key_byte - 256 else encrypted_byte = decrypted_byte + key_byte
When decrypting, it will simply check to see if a byte was subtracted, and add a byte back.
Example Underflow while Decrypting
if encrypted_byte - key_byte < 0
decrypted_byte = encrypted_byte - key_byte + 256
decrypted_byte = encrypted_byte - key_byte
Since my example uses a small, repeated key, I added that the byte be rotated to the left once when encrypting. Then rotate the byte to the right once when decrypting.
ADD Rotate-Left Cryptor
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e"
shellcode += "\x89\xe3\x50\x89\xe2\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"
key = "HelloFriend"
encrypted = ""
keyArray = bytearray(key)
keyLength = len(bytearray(key))
# count will be used to make the key the same length as the shellcode
count = 0
for x in bytearray(shellcode) :
# If their are no more letters in the key, reuse the key from the start
if count == keyLength :
count = 0
# Add the first byte of shellcode and key together
x = x + keyArray[count]
if x > 255 :
# if the key is greater than a byte value, remove the extra byte
x -= 256
if x > 127:
x = x - 128 # Remove the left-most bit
x = x << 1 # Shift to the left 1
x += 1 # Add 1, to complete the rotate
encrypted += '\\x'
encrypted += '%02x' %x # Add the rotated left hex to string
encrypted += '\\x' # No leftmost bit, just rotate
encrypted += '%02x' %(x << 1)
count += 1
print encrypted
SUB Rotate-Right Decryptor
encrypted = "\xf2\x4a\x79\xa9\x3d\xea\xcb\xa3\x9b\x3b\x8d\x63\xa7"
encrypted += "\xeb\x9e\x7f\x9f\xa8\x79\xdd\x9e\x28\xa6\x64\xd9"
key = "HelloFriend"
decrypted = ""
keyArray = bytearray(key)
keyLength = len(bytearray(key))
count = 0
for x in bytearray(encrypted) :
if count == keyLength :
count = 0
oddEven = x % 2
if oddEven == 1:
x = x >> 1
x = x + 128
x = x >> 1
x = x - keyArray[count]
if x < 0 :
x += 256
decrypted += '\\x'
decrypted += '%02x' %x # Add the rotated left hex to string
count += 1
print decrypted
SLAE32 Blog Proof
This blog post has been created for completing the requirements
of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:
- Now at:
SLAE/Student ID: PA-10913